Sold Capitaland Retail China Trust.

On 21th Jan 2020, sold all my 15,000 shares of Capitaland Retail China Trust at $1.65 per share.

Net profit about $600 + from this disposal.

The selling was because of the emergence of a new coronavirus in China on December 2019 ; The Wuhan Virus which is similar to deadly SARS outbreak in Year 2002.

Apparently, the virus is spreading rapidly outside of the originated place;Wuhan and to other cities in China. Countries like South Korea ,Thailand & Japan also reported similar confirmed case.

At the point of writing ,the death toll from Wuhan Virus stands at 4 people in China.

China Health Authority also confirmed yesterday the virus can be spread through human to human transmission.

In view of the above, crowded places like shopping malls & railway stations will be the most vulnerable place to contract the virus. Furthermore with Chinese New Year approaching, the high mobility rate during this period in China will also fueled the virus transmission.

To play safe, I decided to sell to lock in profits & to have a peace of mind.

Will continue to monitor and scoop back this stock again when the dust had settled.


  1. Scoop back when still dusty else price will bounce up?

    1. Till the virus can be contain, let wait & see


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