FY2016 Dividend & Trading income

Compared a few years ago ,I am  now cautious of trading the market frequently to earn faster & bigger returns.

But old habit kicks in , sometimes i will initiate a large trading position to make some quick bucks.

Perhaps my instincts have turn rusty,  lost a few opportunities to sell my trade position in blue chips stocks else the trading income will be at least 10k +.

Nevertheless, this year  i will be focusing to build my REIT portfolio .

For the year 2016, I had collected $15629.29 in dividend income & $1439.44 in trading income

Total income FY2016 at $17068.73.

That will be $1422.39 passive income per month.
Total gain                                :         $1439.44
Total loss                                 :         $0
Profit                                       :          $1439.44

SPH                                         :           $12300
SingTel                                    :           $1360
Ausnet                                     :           $860.04
TalkMed                                  :           $229.25
UOB                                        :            $280.00
Keppel Corp                            :           $600.00

Total dividend received          :           $15629.29


  1. Need to reduce SPH holding to diversify the risks.
    Over centration on 1 counter has it's pros & cons


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